Business Connect

Business Connect magazine is the business magazine for companies across South Yorkshire.
Frequency: 4 per year
Pagination: 52+ pages
Size: 297 x 210mm
Geographical area covered:
Barnsley & Rotherham, Doncaster, & Sheffield
Business Connect is the business magazine for companies across South Yorkshire. Produced by Kemps Publishing, Business Connect aims to promote successful enterprises in the region while providing advice and information for growing businesses.
A 52-page magazine, Business Connect is published four times a year and has an estimated broad-spectrum readership of 20,000 key decision makers from local business. It has a circulation of approximately 5,000 that includes key strategic locations across South Yorkshire, including Barnsley & Rotherham, Doncaster and Sheffield.
Each issue of the magazine includes:
Business news from across South Yorkshire
Expert comment and opinion from leaders in their respective fields, including the legal, finance, international trade, digital & technology, construction & manufacturing, skills & training and hospitality & leisure sectors
In-depth features on the business issues of the day
Business Connect is sent to prominent business hubs in the region. Digital copies of current and past issues of Business Connect are also available on the Kemps website
Business Connect offers a wide range of advertising opportunities.
Benefits of advertising in Business Connect:
Business Connect is one of the leading business publications in South Yorkshire
Business Connect has a circulation of approximately 5,000 and is mailed out to named company heads across South Yorkshire
Business Connect’s targeted circulation ensures that the key decision makers see your message, and provides an ideal platform to reach a wider audience
Business Connect is an invaluable way of staying connected within South Yorkshire and promoting your business to others in region and further afield.
Business Connect provides a wide range of advertising opportunities from display advertising to inserts.
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